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    The Lwili Revolution: Burkina Faso and beyond

    One month after the ousting of Blaise Compaoré, the former President of Burkina Faso, a power struggle continues to unfold. Other leaders in their final terms will be watching closely, write Adrian Fielding and Toby Thomas.


    The Regionalisation of Boko Haram

    The regionalisation of Boko Haram's insurgency is a major security concern for West Africa, but it represents a reactionary strategy to internal and external pressures rather than a reflection of the group's territorial ambitions, writes Gabrielle Reid.


    Al Mourabitoun: The Story of a Lovechild

    The latest attack by Al Mourabitoun against a Bamako-based restaurant has highlighted the lack of security in northern Mali. More needs to be done to counter terrorism in the country, writes Gabrielle Reid.


    Pride and Prejudice: Kenya's Response to Garissa

    The attack on Garissa University College has raised concerns over the readiness of Kenyan security and intelligence services to combat the terrorism threat in the country, and whether the authorities have selected the most appropriate avenue to address growing insecurity, writes Gabrielle Reid.


    Caught off guard: Kidnapping in Burkina Faso

    Recent instability in Burkina Faso has limited the government's ability to respond tokidnappings, particularly given uncertainty surrounding the future of the country's specialforces unit, the Régiment de la Sécurité Présidentielle (RSP), writes Gabrielle Reid.