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    Al Qaeda on the Indian Subcontinent

    A new gambit by Al Qaeda sparks security concerns in Southeast Asia, but the franchise is best viewed as part of a struggle for supremacy with an ascendant Islamic State, writes Rachel McLaughlin.


    The backlash against China's rise

    Anti-China riots in Vietnam were a symptom of widespread resentment in Southeast Asia. Further violence is likely as governments struggle to negotiate territorial disputes and unequal trade relations while answering to their people's demands, writes Alice Shone


    Small victory: Indonesia's legislative elections

    The legislative elections did not deliver a decisive victory for the PDI-P party, led by presidential favourite Joko Widodo, and the prospect of a close presidential race threatens further electoral violence in Aceh, writes Alice Shone.


    A Thaksin Issue

    With no end in sight to the violence in Bangkok, pressure on the military to step in, and Yingluck's support base under threat, a political solution in Thailand looks more and more unlikely,writes Alice Shone.