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    The Pen and the Sword: Europe after Charlie Hebdo

    The series of attacks in France in early January underscores the complex threat of terrorism in Europe, with overseas Islamist extremist groups' calls for further attacks likely to be taken up by a ‘leaderless resistance', writes Lara Sierra-Rubia.


    The rise of the Eurosceptic

    The EU elections in May will likely reflect the increasing popularity of Eurosceptic parties on both the extreme right and left wings of the political spectrum, leading to a heightened risk of violent protest and social unrest as mainstream parties are forced to take a harder line on issues such as immigration, writes Rachel Hankey.


    Defence and security in a still United Kingdom

    A ‘Yes' vote on Scottish independence would have had damaging consequences for security in both Scotland and the UK. While a further devolution of powers is inevitable, negotiators are wise to leave defence off the table, writes Rachel Hankey.


    The Greek Bailout: Syriza's Ill-fated Choice

    The Syriza-led government's recent agreement to negotiate another debt bailout will entail further austerity measures and reforms that will result in internal party divisions and weakened public support for the government, writes Lara Sierra-Rubia.


    On the Fence? Europe's Response to the Refugee Crisis

    While the European Union agreed to a new refugee quota system in September 2015, the agreement is unlikely to resolve the ongoing crisis as resistance from several member states still presents barriers to coordinated and decisive action, writes Lara Sierra-Rubia.