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    The match in the powder barrel: Chile's unexpected outrage

    Violent demonstrations and widespread anger over perceived socio-economic inequalities have driven the most disruptive period of unrest in Chile in the past 30 years. Erin Drake considers the potential for these demonstrations to descend into a sustained insurrection against the Sebastián Piñera government.


    Power to the People: Argentina’s Anti-Austerity Movement

    Amid countrywide power blackouts and subsidy cuts, Argentinians have mobilised against the government’s austerity measures, shutting down commercial operations and public services through mass-demonstrations. Erin Drake explores the growing anti-austerity movement and its potential to devolve into widespread civil unrest.


    The Cost Of Living: Extortion in the Northern Triangle

    In the Northern Triangle — comprising Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala — violent extortion is endemic, affecting public and private sectors alike. Erin Drake reviews the drivers of extortion and the threat it poses to companies operating in this region.


    Complex Emergencies: Conflict and disease in the eastern DRC

    Amid the protracted conflict in the eastern DRC, local militias have started to attack Ebola treatment centres in Butembo and Beni, North Kivu, killing medical staff and forcing the closure of several facilities. Erin Drake considers the threat to health workers and medical treatment facilities in this conflict area.


    Pipeline Politics: Threats to Colombia's energy infrastructure

    Security operations against Colombia’s left-wing ELN militants may have reduced their numbers, but the group continues to bomb oil pipelines and kidnap local and foreign workers. Erin Drake explores the impact of the ELN’s operations on the country’s oil sector.


    “Do you think we will leave?” The Curious Case of the Caliphate in Iran

    Since the Islamic State (IS) group declared its caliphate in Raqqa and Mosul in 2014, Iran has remained insulated from the regional threat posed by the jihadist group. However, the recent attack in Tehran on 7 June raises concerns over the potential for IS to establish a presence in Iran, and carry out further attacks, writes Erin Drake.