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    Politics and travel security: When states turn on their guests

    The arrests of Canadian businessman Michael Spavor and former diplomat Michael Kovrig in China in December 2018, just days after Huawei’s chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou’s arrest in Vancouver, were undoubtedly linked. Despite China’s espionage allegations against the pair and their subsequent convictions, they were released shortly after Meng was… 


    The state of war: Armed conflicts in 2022

    2021 saw a number of key developments on the war front, from Afghanistan’s fall to the Taliban to the dramatic turnaround in Ethiopia’s Tigray conflict. With little in terms of resolution to armed conflicts across the globe, 2022 is likely to see war remain a major threat in parts of Asia, Africa, Middle East, the Caucasus, and eastern Europe, with… 


    The Taliban 2.0: A return to history?

    The Taliban’s return to power may have ended the 20-year war, but its impact will reverberate in and outside of Afghanistan for years to come, writes Saif Islam.


    No easy fix: The security crisis in Burkina Faso

    The kidnapping and killing of three foreign nationals in April and a major terror attack in June that killed at least 160 people are indicative of Burkina Faso’s fragile security environment, and the government has limited resources to tackle the crisis, writes Saif Islam.


    The return of Hirak: A threat to Algeria’s new government?

    The recent resumption of anti-government protests in Algeria is reflective of ongoing popular frustrations with the lack of political reforms in the country. However, divisions within the protest movement could prevent the latest demonstrations from coalescing into a major uprising that challenges government authority, writes Saif Islam.


    Protests across Asia: Origins, implications and outlook

    Ongoing anti-government protests across Asia are likely to persist and potentially intensify in 2021 as the authorities struggle to satisfy the protesters’ demands, especially amid the lingering impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, writes Saif Islam.


    The rising threat of maritime crime and piracy in Asia

    In 2020, there has been a considerable increase in piracy and armed robbery incidents against ships in Asia. Rising cases have been reported in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, South China Sea, and the Singapore Strait. While the majority of events have not resulted in violence towards crew or significant losses or damages to vessels,…