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    Forgotten but not forgiven: Political (in)stability in Israel

    Iran’s attack on Israel in mid-April has strengthened the political position of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu domestically. Tamsin Hunt considers how this development has provided a temporary distraction from deep-seated public grievances that have long driven large-scale anti-government protests in the country.


    Civil Unrest in Israel: Is the Middle East's only democracy under threat?

    Massive countrywide anti-government protests have been ongoing in Israel since 7 January. While the immediate trigger for the protests was a series of proposed judicial reforms, Jervin Naidoo discusses how these reforms are in fact rooted in fears of substantial changes to the long-term political and economic stability of Israel.  


    The state of war: Armed conflicts in 2022

    2021 saw a number of key developments on the war front, from Afghanistan’s fall to the Taliban to the dramatic turnaround in Ethiopia’s Tigray conflict. With little in terms of resolution to armed conflicts across the globe, 2022 is likely to see war remain a major threat in parts of Asia, Africa, Middle East, the Caucasus, and eastern Europe, with… 


    Enter stage left: The Palestinian cause on the world stage

    In the wake of recent hostilities between Israel and Hamas in the Palestinian territories in May, there have been increased solidarity protests for the Palestinian cause across the globe. It appears that now more than ever the world is watching how conflicts immersed in wider human rights issues will be handled going forward, writes Gabrielle Reid.


    Trumped: US foreign policy in the Middle East under the Biden administration

    Much of the world waited in anticipation for the outcome of the November 2020 US presidential election and, when the results were announced, a Biden victory prompted much debate on what this will mean for US foreign policy in the Middle East. Gabrielle Reid explores what is likely to be on the new administration’s to-do list in the region.