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    Pipeline Politics: Threats to Colombia's energy infrastructure

    Security operations against Colombia’s left-wing ELN militants may have reduced their numbers, but the group continues to bomb oil pipelines and kidnap local and foreign workers. Erin Drake explores the impact of the ELN’s operations on the country’s oil sector.


    Cyber-extortion: Trend and Case Studies

    In 2018, the frequency and impact of cyberextortion and other types of cybercrime increased notably. Not only have the attacks become more frequent, but incidents of cyber-crime have also become more sophisticated, and have impacted a range of important industries, including healthcare, government, financial services and manufacturing.


    Taken by the State: Political Abduction Cases from Around the World

    The emergence of several high-profile cases in 2018 has raised concerns that abduction by state actors is becoming an increasingly common practice. In this article, we highlight some of the most notable instances of state-sanctioned disappearances in the past year, and provide an insight into what we can expect 2019.


    2019: Elections to Watch

    Several significant elections are scheduled to take place around the world in 2019, and we review a number of these in this article. From Nigeria to Indonesia, Ukraine and Libya, the outcome of the 2019 electoral season will not only determine the sociopolitical and economic trajectories of individual countries, but also impact domestic and regional… 


    Brazil Voted for Change. Will it Come?

    On 28 October, Brazil elected Jair Messias Bolsonaro, a long-time congressman and former Army captain as its next president. Running a conservative, right-wing campaign, he managed to capture the growing anti-left and anti-establishment sentiment that has grown in response to the country-wide anti-corruption probes (such as the Lava Jato operation)… 


    On a Short Fuse: Violence Amid Brazil's Divisive Presidential Election Period

    The 2018 Brazilian general elections have been one of the most divisive in the young democracy´s history. Seemingly incompatible political perspectives on the two sides of the presidential race have left a country increasingly at odds with itself. There is little evidence from the past to suggest newly elected president, Jair Bolsonaro (Bolsonaro),… 


    Duque and the Deal

    As Colombian president, Iván Duque, embarks on his first year in office, Lenoy Barkai examines the drivers behind the countrywide demonstrations which accompanied his inauguration, and the prospect for further civil unrest in the coming 12 months.