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    Kidnap and extortion in Russia-CIS: New and old tricks

    Many organised crime groups in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) continued their kidnapping and extortion activities largely unaffected by the Covid-19 pandemic, writes Darren Davids. However, opportunistic criminals have capitalised on newly implemented Covid-19 restrictions and will seek to extort travellers.


    Ukraine: Four issues to watch as Zelensky claims a landslide victory

    Earlier this week, Volodymyr Zelensky, a well-known comedian with no political experience, won the Ukrainian presidential election. Though Zelensky’s campaign was light on policies, his outsider status and anti-corruption rhetoric appealed to an electorate tired of the same establishment politicians. His transition from populist TV star to effective… 


    Active Assailant: An International Phenomenon

    There were numerous active assailant incidents in several European Countries and the US in 2018. In the US, the trend of mass shootings and other active assailant attacks continued, with over 300 shooting incidents recorded as of November 2018. However, active assailant attacks have taken place in less expected locations, such as Canada and the Commonwealth… 


    2019: Elections to Watch

    Several significant elections are scheduled to take place around the world in 2019, and we review a number of these in this article. From Nigeria to Indonesia, Ukraine and Libya, the outcome of the 2019 electoral season will not only determine the sociopolitical and economic trajectories of individual countries, but also impact domestic and regional…