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    Winds of change: Political uncertainty surrounds Chile's elections

    Social discontent and the ongoing process of rewriting the country’s constitution will form the backdrop for Chile’s November 2021 elections. While a new government and constitution could calm further major unrest, it could also drive changes to the country’s current pro-business landscape, writes Erin Drake.


    The match in the powder barrel: Chile's unexpected outrage

    Violent demonstrations and widespread anger over perceived socio-economic inequalities have driven the most disruptive period of unrest in Chile in the past 30 years. Erin Drake considers the potential for these demonstrations to descend into a sustained insurrection against the Sebastián Piñera government.


    Cyber-extortion: Trend and Case Studies

    In 2018, the frequency and impact of cyberextortion and other types of cybercrime increased notably. Not only have the attacks become more frequent, but incidents of cyber-crime have also become more sophisticated, and have impacted a range of important industries, including healthcare, government, financial services and manufacturing.