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    Travel Troubles: Emerging Crime Trends in the Tourism Sector

    In 2019, there were an average of more than 9,700 aircrafts in the air – transporting over 1.2 million people – at any given moment. As international travel often brings passengers to new destinations, they may face unfamiliar security dynamics. In fact, in 2019, 68 percent of tourists ranked security threats as their primary concern – above geopolitical… 


    Lessons Learned: Active Assailant Attacks in Schools

    Active assailant incidents, in which the attacker targets their victims in an arbitrary manner, understandably attract high levels of media attention when they occur at schools. While several such incidents have taken place in recent years including in 2019, they continue to be relatively rare occurrences.


    2019: A Watershed Year for Global Environmental Activism

    Incidents of mass mobilisation over environmental issues such as climate change gained significant global traction in 2019. Inspired by environmental activists such as Greta Thunberg and organisations such as Extinction Rebellion, millions of school learners, university students, activists and supporters have been organising protests and strikes across… 



    Over the last three weeks, an outbreak of coronavirus that was first reported in the area of Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China has escalated into a topic of international concern.



    Over the last two weeks, an outbreak of coronavirus that was first reported in the area of Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China has escalated into a topic of international concern.


    Stealing the show: Security risks to film and media productions

    From getting caught in natural disasters, being assaulted during public appearances to being robbed of equipment while filming, film and media operators face a variety of security threats. Here, we present some illustrative examples of recent incidents from around the world, and offer practical advice on minimising security risks for the film and media… 



    Agroterrorism is a hostile attack against agricultural production or food supply with the goal of causing mortality, generating fear, disrupting the economy or undermining sector stability. The use of a CBRN agent to conduct such an attack has potentially devastating and lasting effects.


    The Growing Threat from Within: Far-right extremism in the US

    The recent attack on the Chabad of Poway synagogue in California once again highlights that while the US’s counter-terrorism agencies remain primarily focused on Islamist-inspired terrorism, the threat posed by far-right extremists is growing and deserves proportional attention, writes Tim Geschwindt.


    Cyber-extortion: Trend and Case Studies

    In 2018, the frequency and impact of cyberextortion and other types of cybercrime increased notably. Not only have the attacks become more frequent, but incidents of cyber-crime have also become more sophisticated, and have impacted a range of important industries, including healthcare, government, financial services and manufacturing.


    US Foreign Policy Under Trump

    Much like its domestic policy, US foreign policy under the Donald Trump administration is characterised by uncertainty and unpredictability. The president’s approach to foreign policy appears to be driven less by ideology than pragmatism. At other times, such as with trade policy, pragmatism has been cast aside in favour of domestic political considerations.…