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    Competing agendas: Climate, community and labour issues to fuel activism in 2024 | Political Violence Special Edition 2024

    While increased global engagement with combating climate change and other environmental issues has driven governments and organisations to adopt more responsible commercial practices, activists continue to target those falling short. Yet, the emerging conflict between competing environmental, community and industry goals is set to spur tensions and… 


    Meeting their match: The mounting adversities confronting sporting organisations | Travel Security Special Edition 2024

    As sporting organisations extend their global reach and accumulate greater wealth, they face increased susceptibility to various threats, including criminal activities and targeted attacks that jeopardise the safety of athletes, coaches, and spectators. Additionally, a perceived lack of social awareness and responsibility within teams and organisations… 


    Tug-of-war: The wider repercussions of the Israel-Hamas conflict

    Following Hamas’s incursion into Israel, demonstrations in support of Israel and Palestine have taken place in Europe and North America, alongside attacks against Jewish and Muslim communities and businesses. As the conflict continues, escalating tensions could also encourage acts of violent extremism against Western targets, writes Shannon Lorimer.… 


    The state of terrorism: A snapshot of Islamic extremism in 2021/22

    Darren Davids writes that terror plots in Europe and the US will continue to manifest as traditional lone-wolf attacks in 2022. However, in weaker states in Africa and the Middle East, porous borders, security vacuums and a lack of governance will continue to enable the spread of Islamic extremism.


    Covid-19 fallout: Civil unrest in the wake of the pandemic

    While, initially, lockdowns in countries around the world had a notable dampening effect on the frequency of civil unrest, as the Covid-19 pandemic has persisted this effect has subsided. Markus Korhonen writes that the negative economic and social impacts of the pandemic have garnered increasing antipathy among citizens, prompting renewed anti-government… 


    Second wave of anti-lockdown protests

    While recent anti-lockdown protests, particularly in Europe, have not been substantially disruptive to public order or commercial operations, their potential adverse impact on public health, commercial and security environments should not be underestimated, writes Saif Islam.


    Expert Insights: Kidnap and Extortion

    S-RM spoke to David Lawson, Deputy Head of Crisis Response, about some of the recent global trends in kidnapping and extortion, and to hear about some of the key considerations for S-RM’s Crisis Response team when they are working on a live case.


    At the Coal Face: Direct Action as Environmental Protest

    The unprecedented number of climate protests and strikes in 2019 coincided with an increase in disruptive activities by environmental organisations. Protest actions by these groups have in many instances caused property damage or interruptions to commercial activities, whether through the blocking of roads to disrupt traffic, storming of mines to prevent… 


    2019: A Watershed Year for Global Environmental Activism

    Incidents of mass mobilisation over environmental issues such as climate change gained significant global traction in 2019. Inspired by environmental activists such as Greta Thunberg and organisations such as Extinction Rebellion, millions of school learners, university students, activists and supporters have been organising protests and strikes across…