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    Held to ransom: Kidnapping as part of South Africa's crime crisis

    In May 2018, South Africa’s Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation, known locally as the ‘Hawks’, claimed that at least 20 businesspeople had been kidnapped over the preceding 18 months. At the time, the statistic seemed overwhelming. Up until that point, traditional kidnap for ransom cases were uncommon. Most abduction cases involved children… 


    Stealing the show: Security risks to film and media productions

    From getting caught in natural disasters, being assaulted during public appearances to being robbed of equipment while filming, film and media operators face a variety of security threats. Here, we present some illustrative examples of recent incidents from around the world, and offer practical advice on minimising security risks for the film and media… 


    2019: Elections to Watch

    Several significant elections are scheduled to take place around the world in 2019, and we review a number of these in this article. From Nigeria to Indonesia, Ukraine and Libya, the outcome of the 2019 electoral season will not only determine the sociopolitical and economic trajectories of individual countries, but also impact domestic and regional…