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    Stealing the show: Security risks to film and media productions

    From getting caught in natural disasters, being assaulted during public appearances to being robbed of equipment while filming, film and media operators face a variety of security threats. Here, we present some illustrative examples of recent incidents from around the world, and offer practical advice on minimising security risks for the film and media… 


    By hook or by crook: The crime / terror nexus

    The mutually-beneficial relationship between terrorist organisations and the criminal underworld is well documented. For several decades, these outlawed groups have crossed paths across the globe. Now, with the fall of the Islamic State – once the richest terrorist organisation in the world – S-RM’s analysis team delve into the latest dynamics of the… 


    Developments in CBRN Mitigation

    Since the first examples of CBRN agents being used in warfare, developments in treatment and prevention have been struggling to keep up. Options to mitigate the harmful effects of CBRN agents on the civilian population have been relatively limited until recent years.



    Agroterrorism is a hostile attack against agricultural production or food supply with the goal of causing mortality, generating fear, disrupting the economy or undermining sector stability. The use of a CBRN agent to conduct such an attack has potentially devastating and lasting effects.


    Power to the People: Argentina’s Anti-Austerity Movement

    Amid countrywide power blackouts and subsidy cuts, Argentinians have mobilised against the government’s austerity measures, shutting down commercial operations and public services through mass-demonstrations. Erin Drake explores the growing anti-austerity movement and its potential to devolve into widespread civil unrest.