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    Muzzling the media in Ethiopia's conflict zones

    The recent arrest of French journalist Antoine Galindo has once again put an international spotlight on the state of press freedom in Ethiopia. With armed conflicts and political tensions persisting in the country, the threat of wrongful detention against journalists is on the rise, writes Zaynab Hoosen.


    Beyond the ballot box: Senegal at a crossroads

    Longstanding political tensions and socio-economic grievances in the country are unlikely to be resolved swiftly despite election promises. These factors could instigate more unrest in the future regardless of the government of the day, writes Zaynab Hoosen. *


    Rebels in the Red Sea: Houthi attacks threaten global shipping sector

    Attacks by the Yemen-based Houthi militant group against ships travelling through the Red Sea have sent shockwaves through the global trading system. Zaynab Hoosen considers the impact of persistent tensions in the Middle East on the global shipping sector and spillovers that have impacted Egypt and Europe.